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Photography Contest – what does summer mean to you?

Now available – private online photography lessons

I’ve been doing private photography tutoring lessons for a while now but unless you live in the Edmonton area that isn’t very helpful for you.  So now available is private photography lessons online.  We can do it via Skype, a program called AnyMeeting, or my favourite a Google Plus Hangout.  Don’t worry if you don’t have any of these things or know how to use them, they are all free and simple to install and run.

Photography Contest – show me “summer”

So to launch this new service I’m having a photography contest.  Everyone loves a contest right?  Everyone wants to try and win and show their best image, right?   I hope so!  When I think of summer I think festivals, parades, sunshine and smiles.  What does summer mean to you?

This is one of my favourite summer events here in Edmonton, the Cariwest parade (Caribbean, akin to Rio’s Carnival but much smaller of course).

Here are the details of the contest:

How to Enter

  • Submit your favourite image that shows what summer means to you.  Create a photograph that represents summer  how you think of it.  What are the sights, sounds, smells, tastes and sensations of summer?   How do you show that in one image?
  • ONE entry per person only please
  • Must be a subscriber to my email newsletter to win so if you have not subscribed yet please fill in the form below (then click on “confirm” in the email you will receive shortly)
  • Submit your image by adding a link to it in the comment section below.  Your image can be hosted on any photo sharing site such as Facebook, Google Plus, 500px, Flickr, etc.  It just needs to be viewable by anyone, without registering on that site.  If we can’t see your image, you can’t win.Like this:  http://www.flickr.com/photos/herviewphotography/3808630430/in/set-72157622000777662/lightbox/ (link to same image as above)
  • Make sure that you include your name, and that your profile includes a way for me to get in touch with you by email.  It should be in your log in profile when you make your comment.  If I can’t reach you,you can’t win!
  • Tell us about your image.  Where did you take it and how does it represent summer for you.
  • Lastly – tell me why you want to win this contest?  Why do you feel you need photography lessons, what is it you most want to learn?
  • Deadline to enter:  August 31st, midnight MST

Prizes and how they will be awarded

  • This contest will be a little different in that it will not necessarily be the best photo that wins the contest.
  • ALL entries will have an equal chance to win, prizes will be awarded by a DRAW made from all entries received
  • There is NO fee to enter, the only requirement is that you subscribe to my newsletters and updates
  • First prize is a two hour, online private photography lesson – value $140
  • Second and third prizes will each receive a $50 gift certificate which you can choose to either apply to your own private lessons, to my upcoming Online Lightroom classes (to be announced soon), or to buy a print from my fine art photography store (something for inspiration perhaps)
  • Winners will be contacted via the information in your profile used to comment so please ensure your information is correct
  • Winners will also have their images featured on this site in a follow up article

Prices for Photography Lessons

  • Private lessons in person $85/hour
  • Semi-private (2 students) in person $100/hr
  • NEW:  private lessons remotely (online) $70/hour

If you want more information about this service please visit the Private Photography Lessons page.  If you have further questions about private photography lessons, please contact us so we can address your specific needs.

What are you waiting for?  Let’s see those “summer” images!

Cheers, Darlene



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About Your Tutor

photography tutor in Edmonton

Born and raised in Edmonton, Darlene has had formal training in photography at the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology. She enjoys portraits, fine art, and travel photography. She is a seasoned traveler having spent time in Mexico, Singapore, Malaysia, Peru, Thailand, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Cuba and Australia. Darlene loves exotic locales, exotic food and experiencing different countries directly through the local people and the cultural arts. Her vision is to share her artistic talents through teaching “the art of seeing”, and to spread love and tolerance through the experience of truly connecting with and understanding people of different cultures.